I went into User Application as the uaadmin, clicked on administration, then on page admin. I selected the Password Challenge Response portlet, then selected "select contents" on the page. I removed the item it was using and added "Message" and saved back out to the main screen. Now, I needed to click "arrange content", edited the "Message" element, then selected "View/edit custom preference" for the message. At the bottom, there is a checkbox for "View source". I put the following as my message:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0;URL=https://idm.example.com/sspr/"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--window.location="https://idm.example.com/sspr/";// --></script>Magic voodoo happening in the background to take you to the SSPRpage, if the voodoo master is going too slow, you can use this link:<a href="https://idm.example.com/sspr/">SSPR Home</a>
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